What is a CSA?

Community Sustaining Agriculture (CSA) originated in Japan (1960's) and Europe (1970's) and began in the U.S. in the 1980's. This movement was a response to an increase of imported foods, loss of farmland, and the diminishing role of the family farm. It provides farmers with the necessary start up costs at the end of winter and provides fresh, local produce to the consumer throughout the growing seasons.

When you subscribe to our CSA program, you become a member/shareholder of Plateful CSA. Memberships require a commitment from both farmers and members. In this way, members share in both the risks and the benefits with the farmers. This may mean that some weeks there is an abundance of produce and others there may be less due to fluctuations in nature. But rest assured the Plateful farmers go above and beyond the call of duty to provide. The first share will be available in late April and continue through the end of July.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I am going on vacation for a couple of weeks?
          One week's share can be made up at the end of the season. You can arrange to share any extras by having a neighbor pick up yours.

What happens if I forget to pick up my share during the pick up hours?
          Your share will be donated to the local mission.

What if there is something in the bag that I don't eat? Can I exchange it for a different product?
          You can exchange your item for another from the member swap box at earthperks.